Setting Your Child Up For Academic Success
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Setting Your Child Up For Academic Success

As a mother of two grade-school children, I know first-hand just how hard it can be to keep kids motivated and excited about school--especially as summer break draws to an end. One year, I decided to implement a study routine for my kids throughout the summer, which I found helped them retain the information they learned during the academic year and made for an easier transition back to school in the fall. I've put together this blog to help other parents prepare their children for success in the upcoming school year. I hope this helps your child have his or her best year yet!


Setting Your Child Up For Academic Success

Three Benefits Of Homeschooling Your Kids

Rick Russell

Homeschooling has become increasingly popular worldwide, especially since Covid-19 struck in 2020. At the time, many people considered homeschooling as an alternative to regular schooling to reduce the virus's spread. However, even after the pandemic subsided and schools reopened, some parents still preferred that their children studied online and at home rather than attending school every day. Why? Because the homeschooling curriculum does not offer a one-size-fits-all lifestyle and education approach. It helps parents personalize their children's education needs per their strengths and weaknesses. It allows kids to build strong relationships with their guardians, parents, and siblings. Thus, if you are a bit skeptical about whether to homeschool your child, browse this blog to see homeschooling benefits before deciding. 

It Allows Personalized Education

Every educational structure and culture should incorporate teamwork between teachers and parents to improve students' learning power and capability. Unlike traditional schooling, which involves teaching many students simultaneously, homeschooling considers the one-on-one interaction approach with a pupil. If you homeschool your child, there is a likely chance of understanding their learning capabilities and weaknesses. You can then tailor the teaching methods to fit their needs. For instance, if a child is struggling with math, homeschooling allows you or their instructor to take their time with the child to ensure they are not left behind. 

It Allows Schedule Changes

Contrary to regular classwork, homeschooling does not revolve around bells, changing classes, lunch, and recess time. Instead, a child can take advantage of their learning schedule to work and have free time upon work completion. Homeschooling also allows parents to work from home to monitor their children's behavior, health, and educational progress. It also allows instructors to tailor their learning schedules to accommodate extracurricular activities likes games, hobbies, painting, and social work. Ultimately, students and instructors are free to change the timetable to fit their preferences. 

It Strengthens a Child's Independence

Regular schooling involves instructors and teachers managing kids and teaching them to focus on their grades. However, on most occasions, education is not always enough to guarantee success in life. Thus, with homeschooling, students are educated to focus equally on their grades and take accountability. For instance, you can teach your child other things not necessarily incorporated into a regular teaching curriculum. As a parent, you can delegate laundry, cooking, and cleaning chores as part of the learning schedule. They may be simple, but teaching young kids these life skills will help nurture their sense of responsibility and discipline.

Contact a professional for more information about homeschooling
